Friday, April 12, 2013

A Question about Skirts

Today a friend from Facebook asked me a question.... "Do you mind telling me what "church/body of believers" you belong/gather to?  I noticed you all wear skirts.  I grew up in (named a religious group I wasn't familiar with), and we all wore long skirts.  We don't anymore, and you don't often see it anymore so I was just curious..." 

So, here was my reply...

We are Christians... 
"Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." -I Tim 2:9-10
I believe that modesty is important in my walk with the Lord. I didn't always feel this way, but more and more, the Lord has put this on my heart, especially in teaching our girls to dress modestly. I believe that I can still be modest wearing pants. It is a little more difficult, but not impossible!! I don't always wear skirts, just most of the time. How about you? Are you born again? Does your fellowship emphasize modesty now? I think many people don't teach this anymore because the culture is such an influence, but I think as Christians, modesty should be something that we try to focus on more, rather than less.

However, the MAIN AND MOST important thing is the heart. If modesty is not coming from the heart, it would be just outward without the inward beauty of a heart that has been changed by the Lord's love. The heart is the most important, that we are washed in the blood of Jesus, walking in Holiness, and obeying the Lord in all things. Then, the outward things should come as an overflow of love to our LORD for all that He has done for us!! My husband is a pastor and we are so blessed to be in a fellowship that teaches modesty and emphasizes it. We as a fellowship do not "ban" wearing pants and there are no rules against that. There are no verses in the Bible that say anything against a woman wearing pants, but just that we as Christians should be dressing modestly.

Sorry if I had a huge response, but it is not every day that I am asked this question, so I am happy to give you an answer to this!
God bless you today!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sharing the Gospel in the Adoption Message

I just had the opportunity to share with a Hindu man who took me in a shuttle to my hotel from the airport the other day.  I asked him where he was from and he told me he was from India and we got talking about the work that I do for adopting families to help them with their adoption flights.

He began sharing about how adoption is so necessary in India where he is from because the children are in desperate need.  I was really compelled to share with him about Jesus.  It was beautiful how the Lord helped me to bring up the topic of the gospel as it relates to adoption.  I began sharing with this man how there is only One God, and how Jesus Christ is God, and wants to adopt him personally into His family.  

This young man was very shocked to hear this.  Of course in Hinduism, they believe in millions of gods.  I proceeded to share with him God's heart for him to be adopted into His family.  I could tell the Lord was working on his heart.  I shared with him that this is the message of God's redemption that He has for him.  I shared with him how adoption physically relates so closely to being adopted into God's family and being born again.  I shared with him how when a person is adopted, they have a whole brand new LIFE!  Everything becomes new for them, and this is a picture of the new LIFE that Jesus Christ wants to give him too, if he will repent from his way of living and come to Jesus for salvation.  He sincerely thanked me for sharing this with him, and I left him with a gospel tract that had lots of verses on it.  

I can't wait for the next opportunity to share this!!  I am excited to see God using the story of adoption to touch people's hearts and help them to see the picture of having a new life and being born again.  Praise the LORD! 
