Yesterday was such a beautiful day with my sweet family! We decided to stop off and look at the Lost River Cave in Bowling Green Kentucky, that we have heard about. We have a "picture ministry" where we will ask someone to take our picture and then we will use that opportunity to share the gospel with them! So, we met a couple at the entrance to the cave, who we shared with for hours yesterday in Bowling Green. The wife is Jehova's Witness and the husband Muslim. We were able to show them from the Bible SO many things, exposing so many of the false teachings they are soaked with in these two man-made religions. They were not in agreement in their own marriage because they are both holding on to these opposite religions. It was sad for us to see this because we were thinking of that verse in the Bible that says "How can two walk together if they are agreed?" Amos 3:3
We are praying for them now, that the two of them will be able to be ONE in the Spirit of the Lord, surrendering their religious ideas to Him and humbling themselves to the Truth of the Word of God. I was able to share my testimony with the wife, because she said herself that she is not born again. So, as we were walking back together to our cars, I was able to share my testimony with her. She thought that the only ones who could be born again are the 144,000 in Revelation. I just shared my testimony of how the Holy Spirit of the Lord came to live inside of me and how I was saved. They did not have such testimonies, so I believe the Lord really spoke to their hearts.
When I talk to a Jehovah's Witness, I always see so much head knowledge, but nothing deep inside of their hearts to match what is in their head. It is all just a man-made, false religion with absolutely no hope of salvation. I am not afraid to speak to them anymore like I once was. I was fearing that I would not have an answer for them. But really, the answers are so simple! We can share our testimony and share how we need to be BORN AGAIN or we will not enter the Kingdom of God. Also, there are SO many scriptures about hell that they avoid. They do not believe there is a hell. So, we need to show them because IF they do not repent and trust in Jesus as their GOD and Savior, they will end up there, in the VERY place that they disbelieve exists.
SO, I challenge you. Look up all the verses about Hell and keep them handy for the next time you may meet one of these people. It may be just what is needed for their false doctrine to be exposed and for them to see the LIGHT (Jesus) who is desiring that they be led out of that false religion and into His Kingdom!
I encourage you to take a step of faith in this direction. They need to hear your testimony and so do the Muslims. They don't have a testimony of salvation and they do not have any hope of salvation or eternity in Heaven. We really need to shine the Light and bring them this hope before it is too late!
God bless you as you seek Him!