There are many people taking missions trips and humanitarian trips all the time. We need to constantly be aware of missions opportunities all around us as Christians. The mission field is all around us if we keep the perspective that the Lord wants us to have. Some are called to take the gospel across the ocean to far away countries, while others are called to stay closer to their home for various reasons. We are all called to preach the gospel to every creature, according to Mark 16.
The most important part of our travel is to prepare our hearts before the Lord. Keith Green wrote a song several years ago, saying "Jesus commands us to GO! It should be the exception if we stay." This is a continual encouragement to my heart.
Lately, I have been thinking about some things. I believe strongly that the Lord can use a soft heart much more than a hard book of knowledge. It is not how much we know about the Word of God, but rather, how much we obey it. Truly, there are those with more knowledge of the scriptures, but without softening our hearts in obedience to it, all the knowledge in the world is in vain.
We need to not only open up our hearts to the Word of God, but soften our hearts to it as well. Some of the things I read can seem like an offense to me if I harden my heart. When I hear a rebuke in the Word of God contrary to my lifestyle, it should be me that turns in repentance to change my path if it is going astray from the Word of God in any area.
Why do I write these things to you, dear friends? I write these things to challenge your heart towards missions in a way that is contrary to some popular theologians, college professors teaching a hard book of knowledge, and pastors who may encourage a full seminary degree before taking a step in the direction of misisons.
My challenge is this. Take the Word of God to heart. Let it rebuke you, correct you, transform you from the inside out as you soften your heart to obey it, not just to know it for the sake of an intellectual argument. A soft heart is a useful tool in the Master's hand. I encourage you to deprogram yourself from the teachings of man and seek the Lord in His Word for His sake and His glory. Just see where He will lead you as you open and soften your heart to His Word!
And Remember this: The cheapest missions trip you can ever take is right outside of your front door. It doesn't have to cost you a dime, but it will cost you your life. So, count the cost, take up your cross, and follow Jesus into the mission field today! God bless you as you obey His Word.
Your Prayer Agent,