Just the other day, we had a customer in Uganda who called us because on their way to the airport, their passport and immunization card were stolen right from their car!! On their way to the airport, they stopped for coffee with their driver, and when getting back into their car, they realized that while they were inside, their bags in the car were stolen, leaving them without the necessary documents needed to travel back home!! YIKES!! Talk about anyone's worst travel nightmare!! SO, they called me to help them cancel flights and direct them on what to do. SO, if you ever are in this predicament, here is what you do.
1. Do not panic. If you "lose it," you can easily become a vulnerable target, especially in a 3rd world country. Remain calm and make your way to a police station to make a police report. You will need a police report to show the airlines the reason you are not flying and also to show the embassy to get a new passport.
2. Make sure you contact your travel agent to arrange the cancellation of your flights so that you don't lose all value of your tickets by being a "NO-SHOW" for your flights. This is another nightmare you don't want.
3. You will need a copy of your passport printed out to take with you to the Embassy in the country you are in. So, if you are a US citizen, you will need to locate the US Embassy in the country you are in to make sure you report your stolen passport there. The Embassy can usually get you a new passport within a day or two if you have the proper paperwork to give them.
4. Make sure you explain to the airlines that you have lost your passport. Often times, this will help you to be able to get a break on some of the re-booking fees if you need to cancel a flight.
5. If you are reading this beforehand, make sure when preparing for your trip that you remember to keep a copy of your passport in your checked baggage. This will help you in the event that you would ever lose a passport.
6. There are some handy passport pouches that you can wear on your person. Wearing your passport in a pouch close to your body under your clothes when traveling, is the best way to keep it with you and not in another area where it could be stolen or misplaced.
Keep in mind that passports are sold on the black market for 10,000's of dollars. This is motivation for a thief to be stealing these things and even more motivation for you to be protecting your passport as if it were worth that much money to you, because in the event you would lose it, you would wish that you could pay as much money as you had in order to alleviate such hassles as there can be with the loss of a passport.
My customers actually were very glad that they filed the police report because the police told them that their passport had been returned!! Truly this is a miracle of God and many of us were praying for them. I am so glad they were able to travel home the very next day with minimal cost to change their flights. They were very thankful to be home after such an ordeal!!
I hope this information is helpful and pray that this never happens to you!!!
Thanks so much!
Safe travels,
Tabitha :)
We are dedicated to serving the Body of Christ with Missionary Airfare, Humanitarian Airfare, Student Airfare discounts, and many other missionary resources for missions teams and individual missionaries. Our website is http://www.cheapmissionstrips.com where you can find out more about who we are and how we can serve you!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Pray for a Desperate Dad
Please pray for a man named Royce Sigler, who has just gotten word that his two daughters who have been missing since 2008, are now alive and living in Russia. We just helped him with his flights to go to Russia to pick them up. They were kidnapped by their birth mother in 2008 when their father (Royce) had custody of them. Their mother was from Russia, and after their divorce, she took the girls away (even without custody of them), to live in Russia and Royce never heard from them again. He knew she kidnapped them and moved to Russia, but he had no way of knowing where they were or how he could ever find them again. SO sad!! He has been heartbroken for many years ever since. He had not heard from them until about a month ago when he got a call that the birth mother died of cancer, and now he can come and get his girls. You can imagine the emotions flooding through his heart! He was so happy to hear this, and rushed over to Russia on the quickest flight we could book for him!!! When he got there, he was planning to meet them and the grandmother, but on the appointment that they had with the grandmother and the attorney, she never showed up with them!! Now, she is hiding the girls, and is not giving them up to Royce!
Royce is now re-married and has a beautiful little girl. He loves his daughters so much and wants to be able to get them back from Russia to bring them home to his new wife and baby and share the love with them that he has waited to bless them with for so long. You know, there are many miracles in this story. One of these is the miracle that since 2008, Royce never changed his number. He was holding out hope that one day he would get news like this that his daughters were still alive. These girls are now around 11 and 12. Let's pray that they will make it home safe and SOON and will embrace the love of their father who is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet.
This is a really hard situation and we need to pray for this man. He has asked us to get the word out to everyone we can, so we are writing this blog to help as much as possible. A really sweet adoption agency called Little Miracles, who we help with their travel, were the ones who asked me to step in and work on flights to help bring these babies home. I was so happy to help any way we could. And they have been on the top of our prayer list through their journey.
Please help us pray these little girls safely home!!! I can not tell you the JOY that I will have to put their names on some tickets and get these precious girls home forever. The Lord has a heart for the orphan, the abused, the forsaken child.
If you would like to help Royce or read any more on this, please visit their website here: http://www.gofundme.com/bringthegirlshome
Until they are home,
Friday, May 24, 2013
Adoption Airfare visits a customer's Airport Welcome!!!
On our way to DC for the STUCK screening and Step Forward for Orphans march, we realized that an adopting family who we had just issued tickets to come back to the US was flying into Dulles airport which was only 10 minutes from our hotel!!! When they invited us to share in this moment with them, we were SO excited, honored, blessed and surprised to be able to share their airport welcome with them!!!! Here is the video of this really special moment and we will never forget it!! My husband did an amazing job on this video and really captured the heartbeat of this family. Please get your tissues out... and ENJOY!!
It is our prayer that many more families have this JOY of bringing their children home from all over the world through the miracle of ADOPTION!!!
God Bless!!
~Tabitha L.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Orphan Care and Adoption Retreat
I had the most amazing time at the Embracing Orphans (now Passion for Orphans) retreat in the beautiful Estes Park, Colorado. Lisa Stucky from Mavuno Market, and all the incredible women who made this event possible did such a tremendous job. It was like every detail was thought through so that we were able to come in and kick up our feet and enjoy EVERYTHING about our time together. Most of us are mothers who almost don't know what to do when we don't have a million kiddos nibbling at our heels. Some of us enjoyed just having a chance to catch up on some reading and hear our thoughts. I think I can speak for many of the women at this event when I say that I came back refreshed, renewed, restored, and with a new Passion for our ministry in orphan care and our own adoption journey.
I enjoyed the worship times together so much and had the opportunity to meet my office manager in person who I had never met before this trip!! Her name is Sarah and she is my right hand agent and I love her to pieces!! We were able to meet several families that we are helping with their travel who we had never before had the blessing to meet. It was SO incredible and such a JOY!!! I would post photos, but instead I have a video with my photos here so that you can take the opportunity to experience this with me...
I encourage mothers to take this opportunity to come out for these Passion for Orphans retreats. You will be blessed beyond measure and experience the JOY it is to come together with other mothers who have REAL stories to share. Let me tell you, we don't hold much back when we start sharing. We may not all see eye to eye on every issue as it relates to orphan care and adoption, and we don't have to. We all have a different story, a different journey, but the same love and passion for orphan children and adoption that brings us together. The speakers shed light on the not-so-glamorous side of their journeys and allowed us an inside perspective that has changed many of our hearts and caused us to see beyond what we could see before. I praise GOD for what I came away with from this retreat and I encourage every mother who has a passion for orphan care and/or adoption to come out to the next one and don't miss it! Don't get too busy to come. You will come away renewed, restored and refreshed.
God bless!
Tabitha :)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Motherhood is Deeper than Blood
Today beyond all the gifts and blessings, I can truly say I am blessed to be a mother to 6 children, some of which I have the privilege of parenting in our home, some far away. The four children in our home blessed my heart today with their love and welcome to me as I came out from getting ready. They welcomed me with hugs and little cards and things they made for me, as well as my dear husband.
Joshua wrote me two poems today! I am going to type them here for you to be blessed too!! He is my son (age 17) who I have adopted in my heart, even though he is not my biological son. Motherhood is deeper than blood, just like the blood of Jesus is deeper than any human blood. I praise GOD for the children HE has hand-picked for me.
Joshua wrote me two poems today! I am going to type them here for you to be blessed too!! He is my son (age 17) who I have adopted in my heart, even though he is not my biological son. Motherhood is deeper than blood, just like the blood of Jesus is deeper than any human blood. I praise GOD for the children HE has hand-picked for me.
by Joshua Lovell
If my money is all spent,
And if I have no friends or fame,
Still I will be content.
Even if no one knows my name,
or if on my birthday no one came,
Still I will be content.
For the Lord fills my cup,
Him I will lift up.
For while He hung naked and ashamed,
while spit and cursing at Him were aimed
Still He was content.
For all the joy set before Him,
His cup was filled to the brim.
For He knew all the time with us that would be spent
So why can't we all just be content...?
Inspired by: I Tim. 6:6-8
Mother's Day
by Joshua Lovell
Mom, on this special day
I am so happy to say
That you're my mother.
I'm very glad it isn't another,
for if it were
I'm absolutely sure
I would not be here
Nor so near;
And surely not able to say...
Happy Mother's Day!
These are especially special to my heart because over a year ago, we were praying for Joshua since he had gotten into trouble which led him into a Teen Challenge program in Reno, NV where he gave his heart to the LORD and has proven since to be totally transformed. His life is a miracle, and I have reason to celebrate what the LORD has done in bringing him and Isaiah here to live with us and serve the LORD with us. We now have four children in our home, and another we are in the process of bringing into our family through adoption from the DRC. Hallelujah!!!!
Charissa also blessed me with a beautifully hand knitted little head covering. It was so beautiful and she worked so hard on it!! Her card was filled with coupons that I will be sure to redeem too!! ;)
Praise the LORD and I give HIM thanks for my dear children and family.
Motherhood is a blessing and an honor, no matter how it comes to you. For all the adopting families out there and for all of the mothers who sacrifice and love each and every day...
Tabitha :)
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Faith vs. Fear
I had a dear customer I was working with on her travel to Africa who was being told some misinformation from a well-meaning relative right before her departure to Africa for a missions trip this week. Her relative was adamant that she would be going through customs on her outbound flights into Africa, and I was trying to assure her that she would NOT have to go through customs on the outbound, but rather on the return. I made sure to give her a second opinion, and also the number to the airline and she emailed me back saying that the airline said the same thing that I told her and that now she finally has peace of mind and has NO idea why her family member made her freak out!!! Here was my reply...
I am glad that you were able to call them for your own peace of mind to check this out for yourself. I hope you have a WONDERFUL trip and I know myself that sometimes I can battle with fear vs. faith. I want to be trusting the LORD more and not listening to my own fears OR the fears of others. I trust that the LORD will be WITH YOU and protecting you each step of the way as you are walking by faith in HIM.
If I might share with you.... I say all of this because I understand fear all too well.
We are adopting from the DRC, and it seems that people come out of the woodwork to put in their opinions, fears.... I think it is a battle that each adopting family faces. The battle of faith vs. fear. And in the long run, being anxious about our adoption is not going to help it along at all, not one bit! There are lots of obstacles, and who knows? It might take 3 years to complete, but we are stepping out by faith and praying that the Lord will bring us through to the finalization and beginning of our new life with our child HE wants to bless us with.
Learning a lot and just felt that I could share this with you.
God bless you and I will be praying for you on Saturday for your trip to go smooth sailing.... or flying I mean!! ;)
Please keep in touch and let me know how things go... photos.... Let me know how I can pray for you.... This is our ministry and JOY, so please keep in touch.
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Lilies of the field... |
Blessings and prayers,
Tabitha :)
Friday, April 19, 2013
Pregnant in My Heart
My heart is pregnant right now with love for a baby we have never even met. The Lord has been working on both of our hearts toward adoption for quite some time now and just last night, I felt like my husband was really giving ME the nudge to get this thing rolling which is what I have been waiting for!! Praise the LORD!!! SO, we are taking baby steps of faith right now. I feel like my arms are empty with a deep longing to hold this child. YES, it will likely be from the DRC. We have met some amazing friends who have adopted from the DRC who we feel particularly knit together with in our hearts and are just seeking the Lord for the steps to take!
It is amazing to think that a child can be born in your heart and that deep seed of love that is planted by the Holy Spirit can grow and give birth one day to a child. Truly this love is supernatural. What will he or she look like? How old will they be? Will we adopt a sibling group? How long is the wait? How will we pay for it? These are all questions that are left to be answered by the Lord in His perfect will and time.
But for now, our hearts are pregnant. We are praying for this child or children who the Lord may have us adopt and rescue from being orphans. We feel the incredible and massively STRONG current of the love of the LORD for these little children who the Lord has commanded us to care for from His word. I am sure it is Him moving our hearts with His love for these little ones. How will this play out? I don't know. Will there be road blocks? I am sure. But when we remember the road blocks that Jesus went through to rescue us, I am sure it will give us strength to keep pressing on with a love that endures all things, hopes all things, believes all things, never fails.
Orphan care and adoption are HIS heartbeat and I can FEEL HIS HEART beating inside of me. Believe me, if I could tackle the whole world right now to bring this child home, I would do it. But I can't. I can only trust the One who has overcome the WORLD and I can be of GOOD CHEER as we wait upon the LORD with this deep aching in my heart and longing to be with my baby. I can almost feel them in my arms. And when I feel this way, it reminds me to PRAY for that one. PRAY for safety. PRAY for the Lord to bring them at the perfect time into our lives. PRAY PRAY PRAY!!! What if they say no and we won't be able to adopt?!! Well, even if this never happens, what I feel in my heart right now is REAL and if we try and try and try again and nothing happens? I just have to believe that this love is supernatural. I have to believe that the Lord will honor any moves we make in the direction of orphan care and adoption. I have to have HOPE and I have to believe. Maybe the Lord wants us to feel this way to understand HIS incredible heart for orphan children?... OR maybe, just maybe... He IS doing this because He has a little one in need of a mother and father who He finds us suitable for. If He sees fit, we will receive this child with surrendered hearts... With JOY, with incredible love to offer, to be a part of our family and to be hopefully also be a part of God's family forever.
It is amazing to think that a child can be born in your heart and that deep seed of love that is planted by the Holy Spirit can grow and give birth one day to a child. Truly this love is supernatural. What will he or she look like? How old will they be? Will we adopt a sibling group? How long is the wait? How will we pay for it? These are all questions that are left to be answered by the Lord in His perfect will and time.
But for now, our hearts are pregnant. We are praying for this child or children who the Lord may have us adopt and rescue from being orphans. We feel the incredible and massively STRONG current of the love of the LORD for these little children who the Lord has commanded us to care for from His word. I am sure it is Him moving our hearts with His love for these little ones. How will this play out? I don't know. Will there be road blocks? I am sure. But when we remember the road blocks that Jesus went through to rescue us, I am sure it will give us strength to keep pressing on with a love that endures all things, hopes all things, believes all things, never fails.
Orphan care and adoption are HIS heartbeat and I can FEEL HIS HEART beating inside of me. Believe me, if I could tackle the whole world right now to bring this child home, I would do it. But I can't. I can only trust the One who has overcome the WORLD and I can be of GOOD CHEER as we wait upon the LORD with this deep aching in my heart and longing to be with my baby. I can almost feel them in my arms. And when I feel this way, it reminds me to PRAY for that one. PRAY for safety. PRAY for the Lord to bring them at the perfect time into our lives. PRAY PRAY PRAY!!! What if they say no and we won't be able to adopt?!! Well, even if this never happens, what I feel in my heart right now is REAL and if we try and try and try again and nothing happens? I just have to believe that this love is supernatural. I have to believe that the Lord will honor any moves we make in the direction of orphan care and adoption. I have to have HOPE and I have to believe. Maybe the Lord wants us to feel this way to understand HIS incredible heart for orphan children?... OR maybe, just maybe... He IS doing this because He has a little one in need of a mother and father who He finds us suitable for. If He sees fit, we will receive this child with surrendered hearts... With JOY, with incredible love to offer, to be a part of our family and to be hopefully also be a part of God's family forever.
Friday, April 12, 2013
A Question about Skirts
Today a friend from Facebook asked me a question.... "Do you mind telling me what "church/body of believers" you belong/gather to? I noticed you all wear skirts. I grew up in (named a religious group I wasn't familiar with), and we all wore long skirts. We don't anymore, and you don't often see it anymore so I was just curious..."
So, here was my reply...
So, here was my reply...
We are Christians...
"Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." -I Tim 2:9-10
I believe that modesty is important in my walk with the Lord. I didn't always feel this way, but more and more, the Lord has put this on my heart, especially in teaching our girls to dress modestly. I believe that I can still be modest wearing pants. It is a little more difficult, but not impossible!! I don't always wear skirts, just most of the time. How about you? Are you born again? Does your fellowship emphasize modesty now? I think many people don't teach this anymore because the culture is such an influence, but I think as Christians, modesty should be something that we try to focus on more, rather than less.
However, the MAIN AND MOST important thing is the heart. If modesty is not coming from the heart, it would be just outward without the inward beauty of a heart that has been changed by the Lord's love. The heart is the most important, that we are washed in the blood of Jesus, walking in Holiness, and obeying the Lord in all things. Then, the outward things should come as an overflow of love to our LORD for all that He has done for us!! My husband is a pastor and we are so blessed to be in a fellowship that teaches modesty and emphasizes it. We as a fellowship do not "ban" wearing pants and there are no rules against that. There are no verses in the Bible that say anything against a woman wearing pants, but just that we as Christians should be dressing modestly.
Sorry if I had a huge response, but it is not every day that I am asked this question, so I am happy to give you an answer to this!
God bless you today!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Sharing the Gospel in the Adoption Message
He began sharing about how adoption is so necessary in India where he is from because the children are in desperate need. I was really compelled to share with him about Jesus. It was beautiful how the Lord helped me to bring up the topic of the gospel as it relates to adoption. I began sharing with this man how there is only One God, and how Jesus Christ is God, and wants to adopt him personally into His family.
This young man was very shocked to hear this. Of course in Hinduism, they believe in millions of gods. I proceeded to share with him God's heart for him to be adopted into His family. I could tell the Lord was working on his heart. I shared with him that this is the message of God's redemption that He has for him. I shared with him how adoption physically relates so closely to being adopted into God's family and being born again. I shared with him how when a person is adopted, they have a whole brand new LIFE! Everything becomes new for them, and this is a picture of the new LIFE that Jesus Christ wants to give him too, if he will repent from his way of living and come to Jesus for salvation. He sincerely thanked me for sharing this with him, and I left him with a gospel tract that had lots of verses on it.
I can't wait for the next opportunity to share this!! I am excited to see God using the story of adoption to touch people's hearts and help them to see the picture of having a new life and being born again. Praise the LORD!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Thank you all SO much for the videos that you have entered into our customer video contest for Cheap Missions Trips and Adoption Airfare. We are SO humbled and blessed by each one of your videos. Most of all, we are now more encouraged to pray for you than ever before. We are planning to be more strategic in our prayers for each and every one of the customers that the Lord sends to us to serve. If this video contest has inspired us to pray harder than ever before, it was worth every minute of effort to be encouraged more deeply by all of your testimonies. In your videos, you shared testimonies about how people are getting saved and how the Lord is leading you on your missions trips. It really blessed our hearts beyond words and we can not express the JOY in our hearts right now! One of you shared a testimony of a trip we helped you with to Mombasa, Kenya where you shared the gospel with a Muslim man and he was saved.
We heard testimonies about how through the services we provide, God put you on a specific flight at a specific time to minister to someone or for someone to minister to you. Divine appointments that only the Lord could do and we are seeing such beautiful fruit of the Lord's hand upon us in picking out flights for our customers. We are so blessed to be a part of the amazing things that the Lord is doing through each one of your lives in your missions and adoption journeys.
For those of you who did not get their videos in to us in time, that is OK!!! We are planning some more contests for our customers in the future and this is hopefully the first of many more. We want to be able to share YOUR testimonies of how the LORD is working and moving in your life. Hallelujah!!!!
SO....... for the long awaited WINNERS of the drawing..... Here is a short video of our drawing today so that you can see who won the two grand prizes in the customer video contest!!!!!
God bless!!
~Kevin and Tabitha Lovell
We heard testimonies about how through the services we provide, God put you on a specific flight at a specific time to minister to someone or for someone to minister to you. Divine appointments that only the Lord could do and we are seeing such beautiful fruit of the Lord's hand upon us in picking out flights for our customers. We are so blessed to be a part of the amazing things that the Lord is doing through each one of your lives in your missions and adoption journeys.
For those of you who did not get their videos in to us in time, that is OK!!! We are planning some more contests for our customers in the future and this is hopefully the first of many more. We want to be able to share YOUR testimonies of how the LORD is working and moving in your life. Hallelujah!!!!
SO....... for the long awaited WINNERS of the drawing..... Here is a short video of our drawing today so that you can see who won the two grand prizes in the customer video contest!!!!!
($50 Dollar Travel Certificate for International Travel and World Globe)
($25 Dollar Starbucks Gift Card and $50 Dollar Christianbook.com gift card)
Thank you to all of you for submitting your videos!! For those of you who entered a video meeting the guidelines for entry into the contest, we will be contacting you for your address to send each of you a special gift even if you did not win the grand prize drawings.
We love each of you and praise GOD for the work HE is doing in your life!!! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it.
God bless!!
~Kevin and Tabitha Lovell
Monday, March 11, 2013
Customer Video Contest!
If you have been one of our customers with Cheap Missions Trips and/or Adoption Airfare, this contest is for you! We are looking for customer videos for the next 10 days. If you have been one of our customers, please submit your video and make sure to include the following info in your video to be submitted for the contest to win some incredible prizes in our official drawing on March 21st. We are NOT IN ANY WAY comparing videos, just simply putting your name into a drawing if your video is submitted on time and fits the below criteria.
There will be one drawing and two prizes!!!!!
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- We are looking for a video of our customers sharing about how our services were a benefit to you and your family or missions team (Please include testimonies of the LORD and testimonies about how your trip went etc.)
- Video must be 3 minutes or less
- Video must be emailed to us at cheapmissionstrips@gmail.com and subject must state VIDEO CONTEST
- You must state in your email that you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated in the contest rules below
- One video per customer of Cheap Missions Trips and/or Adoption Airfare. Each person entering the contest will be entered into a drawing for the prizes above.
- Video must be 3 minutes or less
- Drawing will be held on March 21st, 2012 and winners will be posted at www.facebook.com/AdoptionAirfare and www.facebook.com/CheapMissionsTrips. Please look out on March 21st for the winners to be announced in the morning!!
- By submitting a video, you are granting Cheap Missions Trips and Adoption Airfare a royalty free license to copy, distribute, modify, display, and otherwise use this video for any promotional or educational purposes.
Thank you so much for being our faithful customers, and we are excited to see your videos and get you entered into the drawing for these above prizes!!!!
Please keep up with us on FACEBOOK and thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your journey. We love all of you and consider it an honor to serve you with your travel needs.
God bless you and your families!!
~Kevin and Tabitha Lovell
Missions and Adoption Travel
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Working for Jesus
This morning, Kevin was telling me about a t-shirt he almost bought the other day at the little Kentucky variety store (of all places). He said the t-shirt said,
We had a good laugh together, but this really got me thinking. You know, before I was saved, I had a very "worldly" view about work. I worked several years in the health care field from work as a CNA to becoming a tech in the Emergency room and then I went on to becoming a nurse. I had many years in this profession before God called me to the mission field, and then to be a travel agent for Him. I have done many "jobs" in the various seasons of my life, from de-tasseling corn as a young girl, to working in the field that I am so blessed to be in now, serving missionaries and adopting families as a travel agent for Jesus!
Today I saw a post on Facebook from a sweet friend and one of our travel customers who has used our services for her international adoption travel to Africa to pick up her sweet daughter. We just recently helped her with flights to bring her daughter home to the USA. It is always such a JOY to be able to see these families bring their little children home for the beginning of their new life together as a family. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing for the Lord each day than this beautiful work. So, after having her little girl home for a few short days, she took this photo of her doing dishes.
I remember years of work before being saved, and then beautiful years of working for the Lord after. My occupation did not change when I got saved, but my attitude and heart changed completely and I remember having "JOY" in the most menial jobs. I remember an older woman of God who came along side of me when I was first saved. She was a "charge nurse" and I was a Nursing assistant at that time. In the chain of command on our unit, I was at the BOTTOM and she was at the TOP! I will never forget how she displayed Jesus to me when I had a job of cleaning up a mess that I will not even describe to you. She and I both knew that it was my job, and I was not expecting any help with it. I rolled up my sleeves, put on my gloves, and started in. Well, a few minutes into this horrendous mess all over the walls, I will never forget what she did. This "charge nurse" came in the room with me, rolled up her sleeves too, and began singing praises to the Lord while helping me clean up this terrible mess. The Lord brought light and sunshine into the darkest room that day. I know that He had put His JOY in her heart and I have never felt the same since that day about any work that God has me to do. You see, with Jesus, and His Joy in our hearts, work is not just "work," it is an opportunity to sow to the Spirit of God!!! And oh, when we sow to His Holy Spirit, His Word promises that we will "REAP" everlasting Life!
"For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life." ~Galatians 6:8
I can tell you that working for Jesus is so much better than working for me. Today I remembered the many times that I "punched the clock" to make money and earn income to make ends meet. Now I have so much JOY in serving the Lord's people who He sends to me to help them with their travel. I have never had a work that I have enjoyed more in all of my life. My husband and I are so blessed to be a part of this work. Do you know that each time the business phone rings, we give thanks to the Lord for every phone call? This is something new we are doing and it is funny how it totally changes our perspective on answering the phone! Something so little that we can do to give thanks in ALL things, and then it is beautiful to see how there is JOY in everything as we look to Jesus for strength and perspective each day in the work He has us to do for Him. And oh, one day, to see HIS face, the One who we have served when we do it unto Him. I feel that it will be worth my whole lifetime of service to Jesus to hear those sweet words...
"Work for God....The retirement benefits are great!"
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Today I saw a post on Facebook from a sweet friend and one of our travel customers who has used our services for her international adoption travel to Africa to pick up her sweet daughter. We just recently helped her with flights to bring her daughter home to the USA. It is always such a JOY to be able to see these families bring their little children home for the beginning of their new life together as a family. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing for the Lord each day than this beautiful work. So, after having her little girl home for a few short days, she took this photo of her doing dishes.
"Washing dishes makes her so happy. seriously! She sang the whole time." ~Adopting Mom of this girl in the photo
I remember years of work before being saved, and then beautiful years of working for the Lord after. My occupation did not change when I got saved, but my attitude and heart changed completely and I remember having "JOY" in the most menial jobs. I remember an older woman of God who came along side of me when I was first saved. She was a "charge nurse" and I was a Nursing assistant at that time. In the chain of command on our unit, I was at the BOTTOM and she was at the TOP! I will never forget how she displayed Jesus to me when I had a job of cleaning up a mess that I will not even describe to you. She and I both knew that it was my job, and I was not expecting any help with it. I rolled up my sleeves, put on my gloves, and started in. Well, a few minutes into this horrendous mess all over the walls, I will never forget what she did. This "charge nurse" came in the room with me, rolled up her sleeves too, and began singing praises to the Lord while helping me clean up this terrible mess. The Lord brought light and sunshine into the darkest room that day. I know that He had put His JOY in her heart and I have never felt the same since that day about any work that God has me to do. You see, with Jesus, and His Joy in our hearts, work is not just "work," it is an opportunity to sow to the Spirit of God!!! And oh, when we sow to His Holy Spirit, His Word promises that we will "REAP" everlasting Life!
"For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life." ~Galatians 6:8
I can tell you that working for Jesus is so much better than working for me. Today I remembered the many times that I "punched the clock" to make money and earn income to make ends meet. Now I have so much JOY in serving the Lord's people who He sends to me to help them with their travel. I have never had a work that I have enjoyed more in all of my life. My husband and I are so blessed to be a part of this work. Do you know that each time the business phone rings, we give thanks to the Lord for every phone call? This is something new we are doing and it is funny how it totally changes our perspective on answering the phone! Something so little that we can do to give thanks in ALL things, and then it is beautiful to see how there is JOY in everything as we look to Jesus for strength and perspective each day in the work He has us to do for Him. And oh, one day, to see HIS face, the One who we have served when we do it unto Him. I feel that it will be worth my whole lifetime of service to Jesus to hear those sweet words...
Photo of Artaban from the "Fourth Wise Man" at the end when he finally meets Jesus and has nothing to give him because he had already given it all away and spent his whole life for the moment he would meet Jesus face to face. When he finally meets His Lord (Jesus), who he has served all those years, he feels so ashamed that he had once had precious gifts, but gave them all away and now at the end of his life he has nothing left to give Him and then Jesus says to him in the movie. "Artaban, you've already given your gifts to me." Artiban doesn't understand since he is just meeting Jesus for the first time. Now with nothing in his hands to give His Lord at the end of his life, Jesus replies to him...
"For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me."
“Then the righteous will answer Him, saying (And in the movie, Artaban says), ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it unto Me." ~Matthew 25:36-40
"A life spent and exhausted for Jesus is never a wasted life."
~Tabitha Lovell
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Electronic Flight Check In?
Some of you have asked me... "Should I check in online the night before my flight?" Or, "What about the new electronic bar code check in?" Well, I guess if you have a small domestic flight that you are taking within the US, the online check in is ok. But might I suggest printing out your boarding passes vs the bar code scanning through your iphone to check in? Yes, this technology is very intriguing and tempting to use, but there are still some "bugs" that I believe should be worked out before this would be a viable choice for checking in for a flight. From my travels across the globe, I personally prefer checking in at the airport if at all possible. I feel safer being able to have my boarding passes printed at the airport, rather than the night before. I like being able to get the most updated flight schedule on my boarding passes that I carry in my hand, just in case there have been any schedule changes overnight.
If my customers are taking an international flight, I usually will encourage them to print out their eticket confirmation and take that to check in at the airport at least 3 hours prior to departure. This allows them time to check bags, get boarding passes printed out, and make it through that long line through TSA Security.
One time, I was taking a flight and did the online check in where the boarding passes were just a bar code that was on a link through my smart phone. We were traveling with 4 of our children, so I had a handy link for each one of them, and was thinking that everything was going to go smooth sailing since I had done all of this work ahead of time. Boy was I wrong!! I had the bar code on my iphone screen all ready to scan with the TSA agent after waiting through that whole long line of people. I got to the front of the line only to find out that one of my bar codes was not working and would not scan through to get one of our children checked in. I thank the LORD that our older children were able to take the younger one for me while I ran to the United desk to get a paper boarding pass printed out. We all could have very easily missed our flights due to the delay that this caused!!
This is very serious and something that needs to be considered. These electronic bar code check in's are not the most reliable for international travel in my opinion. Just imagine that you are traveling to another country and by the time you get there, your iphone has lost it's charge and now you don't have any piece of paper showing your itinerary, or your boarding passes for your next flight. This can cause extreme delays and confusion for you. It is much better if you print out as much paper as possible, especially if you are traveling to a third world country where things are not as technologically advanced. You will want to be able to have some sort of paper trail to show them proof that you did indeed purchase your flights etc.
Also, you may want to consider that it may be difficult to charge your iphone unless you go to a specially designed kiosk in the airport where you happen to find your exact phone charger there since international plugs are not always compatible with the cord that you bring with you to charge your phone.
A handy international power adapter is a great idea to have in your laptop case and with you in your carry on luggage as well, for any type of electronic devices that you have which may be in need of powering up before you reach your destination. I hope these suggestions are helpful in planning for your next international trip. Have a wonderful journey!
Safe Travels,
Tabitha L.
Missions and Adoption Travel Lady
(800) 732-4806 x705
Monday, February 4, 2013
My Own Shepherd

I used to be my own shepherd
I always had want
I forsook God's green pastures
To have my own fun.
Despised His still waters
And His righteousness
Hanging my soul...
Over shadows of death.
You made me a table
I had no time to dine
Offered goodness and mercy
I thought I was fine.
It wasn't until I repented and came
To the Lord as my Shepherd
That I was born again.
Surrendered myself to His rod and staff
Now I experience His comfort at last.
Not on the highway of hell anymore.
My cup runneth over
Praise the Lord!
Praise the LORD!!!
- Tabitha Lovell
Friday, February 1, 2013
Little is Much

I really like this photo of our time worshiping the LORD with some of the little children in another region in Uganda. It was so sweet to see a young member of our missions team lead us in worship with these little children. I know that the Lord was RIGHT THERE hearing us and pleased with this worship unto His throne. HALLELUJAH!! I miss Uganda so much sometimes, but seeing these photos helps me to remember and keep my heart looking for ways to minister and be reaching these children who are miles away...
Until they are safely in families,
Missions and Adoption Travel Manager
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