Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Foods to Eat on Your Missions Trip

Do you ever wonder what foods are safe to eat in a foreign country? If you are planning a trip to any international destination, you may want to pay close attention to some safety guidelines for eating foods prepared in a foreign kitchen.

The fact is, you will most likely be dining out for the most part of your trip, unless you plan on staying for an extended time in your country of choice. There are some general rules to follow to make sure that your time of travel does not leave you sick in a bathroom, rather than exploring and doing the things that you planned for your trip.

First of all, you will want to avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits grown in foreign soil on your next international trip. Raw fruits and vegetables can cause problems if our bodies are not accustomed to these types of bacteria and microorganisms. It is best to make sure that any vegetables like cabbage, lettuce, spinach, brocolli, bell peppers, and leeks are cooked thoroughly before consumption on your trip. These should be safe as long as they are cooked.

A good way of testing the food you are about to eat is to think about how it is grown. If there is a shell on top of the fruit or vegetable like a banana or avocado, it should be safe. Other types of fruits that should be safe as well are pineapple because of their thick outer coating. Bananas also have their own God-given protective covering which makes eating them safe, even in a foreign country. In Uganda, Africa, there are several types of bananas which you should be safe to enjoy!

On the contrary, fruits like strawberries and raspberries should be avoided because they do not have enough of a barrier between them and the soil to keep bacteria out of the fruit itself. Salads made of raw fruits and vegetables which are grown close to the soil without a natural shell or covering, should be avoided. Pineapple, grapefruit, and lemons should be safe because of their thick outer skin, but other fruits like berries are in a different catergory and have a thinner skin, so you will want to proceed with caution if you find these on your plate!

As a general rule, meat should be safe for consumption as long as it has been cooked to a high enough temperature to kill any bacteria that could be present. I enjoyed things like goat meat on a stick in Uganda and I was fine and did not become sick. It would be best to avoid some types of raw fish and meats just to be safe, especially when traveling to China and Japan.

Most importantly, the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. I know this may seem like a lot to chew on, but I trust that the Lord will also guide and protect you on your upcoming trip and help you to make wise choices in what you eat and drink. We also must remember that the Lord can provide supernatural protection for us as we abide in His will for our lives.

We are Christians passionate about serving the Body of Christ with missionary and humanitarian airfare for their missions travel. We specialize in providing missions teams and individual missionaries with helpful resources for their missions trips including a store which can be found on our website. http://www.cheapmissionstrips.com

What to eat on your mission trip

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving at the Cardiac Hospital

As many of you know, my dear husband Kevin woke up on Monday Nov. 22, at 3:00 am on our second wedding anniversary with chest pain. The doctor at the hospital told me at around 7am that my husband had a heart attack. This was the most shocking news and it almost felt like something so surreal that it could not possibly be true.

He was rushed to a cardiac hospital two hours away in Louisville, KY where they tested his heart with another EKG which was showing a second reading positive for an Acute MI (heart attack). The cardiac doctor and surgeon rushed him for a cardiac catheterization where they found an abnormal congenital heart defect which possibly was the cause of his heart trouble because no blockages were found. There were several doctors trying to explain their theory of what actually happened to Kevin, but none of them agreed completely.

Kevin is alive and well and I can truly say that this was the best anniversary yet because I have never been happier to be able to look into my husband's eyes as I was on Monday evening.

We spent the past 4 days in the hospital, running various tests and going through several exams to make sure that he is going to be ok. Kevin was sharing the gospel in the operating room as soon as he heard about the bridge (cross) which the doctor's found in his heart called a Myocardial Bridge. 

He was able to witness to many people during his hospital stay as he shared about how we need to have the cross in our hearts, (our only bridge to God through Jesus Christ), and not just around our necks.

As I looked outside the window of the cardiac hospital room to see a cemetery, I was soberly reminded of just how important it is to have the cross in our heart before we enter eternity.

My husband certainly has the cross inside of his heart both spiritually and physically.  He used this opportunity as a new mission field to share the love and the light of Jesus to all who would hear him. One nurse in the rehab hospital, named Sarah, was truly touched by the Lord's plead for her through my husband as he shared the gospel with her this morning.

We were able to come home today after our four day stay in the hospital. I have never been more thankful on any Thanksgiving than I am today. Life has taken on a whole new meaning for us. We now want to live even more for eternity than ever.

We never know how many days we have here on this earth. There is one thing we can never do again in heaven and that is we will never again share the gospel with a lost person. This is an opportunity we have now that we will not always have. One day this opportunity will be gone. Tomorrow you may enter eternity. What will you do with today?

We are so thankful to God for all of you, our customers and friends of Cheap Missions Trips. We are honored to serve you and to pray for each one of you.

Hallelujah!!! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for HE is worthy to be praised no matter what we face or where we are!!!! Give Him the thanks and praise He is so due!

We still will need prayer as Kevin goes back for some testing and treatment of two masses of tissue that the doctor's found on some unrelated tests. We pray for complete healing in Jesus Name. Please keep us in your prayers. We are planning to use each opportunity we have to glorify Him in these trials.

We must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom of God. Acts 14:22.

God bless you this Thanksgiving,

Your Prayer Agent



Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fresh Oil

Today on my way home from running some errands, the Lord tenderly interrupted my heart in such a sweet way, reminding me of how much I need Him once again.  I turned on the radio and a pastor was preaching about being filled with the Oil of the Holy Spirit.  I was in need of this fresh Oil myself.

You see, there is a resource available to us that is supernatural.  Do you remember the woman in the Old Testament who was down to her last drop of oil, but she used it in faith to bless the man of God (Elisha)?  There was no possible way to produce more oil in that amount of time that the oil was being required of her.  She needed a supernatural Oil that was from a Source greater than herself.

Have you been serving the Lord on the mission field or in your daily life and feel that you are at a place of burn-out?  Do you feel like this woman must have felt with no oil to give to anyone else, and not even enough to give her own family? 

The Oil of the Holy Spirit is what we need.  We need a supernatural Oil of Strength.  We need the Oil of JOY for the spirit of heaviness.  We need the healing Oil of the Holy Spirit to bring healing to our deepest wounds and pain.  We need fresh Oil from a Source greater than ourselves.  We need to recognize how much we really NEED the Lord Jesus. 

His Oil will not run out.  He is not like us.  His resources do not depend upon our frail and feeble resources or lack of them.  In fact, when we give Him ownership of our broken vessels, He can mend them and make them vessels of honor that He can use mightily. 

What do we need to do in times when we have no more Oil to keep our lights shining and lamps burning?  We need to surrender ourselves once again to the Lord and humbly call upon Him to annoint us with the fresh Oil of His Holy Spirit to help us be the fire that does not stop burning, the light that does not stop shining, and the Oil that can be poured out overflowing and given to others who are dying spiritually all around us.

Lord, please annoint us afresh as we humble ourselves before you and recognize our neediness before You.  Please Lord, would you fill us once again with Your Oil?  We long for Your fresh annointing in this dry and thirsty land.  We need You so much.  Please fill us anew today.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Drinking Water on a Missions Trip

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Preparing Your Heart

There are many people taking missions trips and humanitarian trips all the time.  We need to constantly be aware of missions opportunities all around us as Christians.  The mission field is all around us if we keep the perspective that the Lord wants us to have.  Some are called to take the gospel across the ocean to far away countries, while others are called to stay closer to their home for various reasons.  We are all called to preach the gospel to every creature, according to Mark 16.

The most important part of our travel is to prepare our hearts before the Lord.  Keith Green wrote a song several years ago, saying "Jesus commands us to GO!  It should be the exception if we stay."  This is a continual encouragement to my heart. 

Lately, I have been thinking about some things.  I believe strongly that the Lord can use a soft heart much more than a hard book of knowledge.  It is not how much we know about the Word of God, but rather, how much we obey it.  Truly, there are those with more knowledge of the scriptures, but without softening our hearts in obedience to it, all the knowledge in the world is in vain.

We need to not only open up our hearts to the Word of God, but soften our hearts to it as well.  Some of the things I read can seem like an offense to me if I harden my heart.  When I hear a rebuke in the Word of God contrary to my lifestyle, it should be me that turns in repentance to change my path if it is going astray from the Word of God in any area.

Why do I write these things to you, dear friends?  I write these things to challenge your heart towards missions in a way that is contrary to some popular theologians, college professors teaching a hard book of knowledge, and pastors who may encourage a full seminary degree before taking a step in the direction of misisons. 

My challenge is this.  Take the Word of God to heart.  Let it rebuke you, correct you, transform you from the inside out as you soften your heart to obey it, not just to know it for the sake of an intellectual argument.  A soft heart is a useful tool in the Master's hand.  I encourage you to deprogram yourself from the teachings of man and seek the Lord in His Word for His sake and His glory.  Just see where He will lead you as you open and soften your heart to His Word! 

And Remember this:  The cheapest missions trip you can ever take is right outside of your front door.  It doesn't have to cost you a dime, but it will cost you your life.  So, count the cost, take up your cross, and follow Jesus into the mission field today!  God bless you as you obey His Word.

Your Prayer Agent,



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When Things Go Wrong

As I am writing this, I have a sister/ customer who is in Ecuador right now whose bags did not arrive with her.  This could be a huge ordeal, but she has been such an encouragement to my heart.  I decided to write a little blog about her and encourage myself and others who experience trials in their flight experience.

I received the first email yesterday from her, which caused my heart to sink.  It went something like this, "Tabitha, I arrived here safely in Ecuador, however, my checked bags did not arrive.  I am having a great time in spite of this, and got to serve over 80 orphan children today!!!"

WOW!!!  This is an amazing heart full of JOY in the face of suffering!  This is such an inspiration for me.  I was reminded of a lady I met in a small village in Uganda who owned only one dress.  This puts life into a better perspective to think about others who have much less than us and still have JOY!  The JOY of the Lord is our strength indeed.

This sister had strength to serve so many children with supernatural love and joy filling her heart.  We are still working on finding her luggage amid the baggage claims and lost tags etc.....but it helps to know that she is not discouraged by this trial.  In fact, she is not letting it stop her or slow her down a bit. 

This is truly more of the heart that I want to have.  Thank you, Sister, for encouraging my heart today!  You know who you are!!!!  And I am praying with you and for you!  I can't wait until those bags arrive, but in the meantime, keep serving with JOY.  Jesus is worthy!  No sacrifice we make for Him goes unnoticed.  We can see our lives in perspective as we look to the cross where the greatest sacrifice was made for our salvation.  Praise the LORD!

Encouraged and Rejoicing!!!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What to Wear on Your Next Missions Trip

While I was in Uganda, I observed some cultural idiosyncrasies that I made a note of and thought that it would be helpful for me to pass them along to others. 

I have thought about and put together some Do’s and Don’ts of what to wear and what not to wear for your next mission trip.  One thing to be cautious of is wearing scented perfumes including scented shampoos and lotions can attract mosquitoes and other bugs which can cause malaria.  You will not want to wear any heavily scented items just to be safe.

There are many cultural differences in foreign countries which we are not always aware of here in America.   I was riding on a “Boda Boda,” (which is more commonly known as a motorcycle) in Uganda, Africa where I was told that I need to make sure I wear a small purse because if my purse is too large, someone may think that I am very wealthy and will try to steal my purse!  

I was also told that women need to wear long skirts and not pants.  This was partly based upon our individual missions base, however, this was a more widely accepted way of dress for women.  Someone mentioned to me that it is not considered “lady-like” for a woman to be riding a bicycle!  This seemed a little strange to me due to our cultural differences here in the United States.  From what I understand, this is a bit degrading for women in Ugandan culture to be riding a bicycle.    

Also you will want to make sure that you pack the lightest weight clothing as possible, based upon the weather in your destination of choice.  This will help you to avoid baggage fees for your baggage being too heavy to check in at the airport.  Universally, a fifty pound baggage limit is standard, so packing too much can cost you extra cash.

As a woman, I am finding that dressing modestly is very important.  Many people have differences in opinion regarding this topic.  However, to keep it simple, modest dress will cause less problems than dressing in a more revealing way. 

I was surprised that the people in Uganda were dressed very nice.  The word that I learned was a very British sounding word that is used to imply that a person looks very classy.  If a Ugandan says, “You are very smart today!”  (Smart pronounced “Smaat”)
This means, you look very classy and well put together!  I loved hearing this from them! 
It still makes me smile thinking about it.

If you are visiting an African country for your missions trip, you can expect that people will not be dressed shabby no matter how much or how little money they have for that matter.

So, what do you do with all of your gold and silver necklaces?  What about your wedding ring for that matter?  Well, you leave all the valuable jewels at home!  Flashy jewelry and flashy hairstyles will need to be deescalated.  You will want to downsize some of the “Bling” so to speak.  Careful attention must be taken to avoid any unnecessary or problematic attention being drawn to yourself. 

In fact, the attention should be focused upon the Lord and not on us, so we will want to deflect some of the attention away from us if possible.  I suggest purchasing wooden jewelry to replace your gold and silver or precious jewelry.  Many jewels and beads can be purchased while in the foreign country you are visiting.  This can be an economic stimulus to the economy of the country you are visiting as well!  This is just another reason to leave the expensive jewelry at home.

Ok, now for shoes!!!  You will want to make sure your shoes are appropriate for the nature of your trip.  If you are going to a very hot place, you may want to pack some sandals or buy them there in that country.  Also, tennis shoes are very valuable in the airports for comfort when walking long distances. 

I hope this information was helpful to you in planning your next missions trip!  Please feel free to visit our website where you can find out about the benefits of missionary airfare for your next missions trip. 

Safe Travels,

Tabitha Lovell, International Travel Specialist
MKI Group Travel

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Having a Prayer Agent

Sometimes when working with teams and individuals in the travel industry, I am reminded that there are other agencies out there which can compete with prices that we offer.  However, I am not certain that there is any competition that can compare with having a PRAYER AGENT vs. just having a Travel Agent for your travel.  I got this email today from a brother in Christ who is on our team at MKI.  I am so excited to be working among a team of individuals who truly CARE about each customer's needs.  Praise GOD for such a testimony!!!  Here is the email from J.D.:

"Thought you would enjoy hearing this little story.  On Wednesday I got a call from someone  I sold a flight to a while ago.  He told me that a friend of his had a brother who was on his death bed in Amsterdam, and wondered if we could get a last minute flight for her to go say goodbye to her brother. 

I found a great fare for her and she left the next morning.  I got a call on Friday afternoon from my original client.  He called to tell me that she had made it to Amsterdam, made it to his bedside, had a wonderful conversation with him, and that he died 4 hours after she arrived at the airport.  He thanked us for having a ministry mindset about our business.  It was a very encouraging conversation that reminded me of why I'm doing this thing!  Thought you'd like to hear it too."



You see, these things happen as we wait upon the LORD and prayerfully choose flights for our customers.  I don't know if there is a price tag that can be placed upon something like this. 

I had a customer in a situation that happened around the time of the Ugandan terrorist attack a few weeks ago.  They were in Uganda and the bombings had caused some of the computer systems to be unavailable.  My customer was leaving to come back home but had lost their itinerary!  They contacted me and I was able to get their itinerary to them within a few minutes.  They were SO happy that this worked out for them and they were able to come home safely.  I received a video from them after their trip.  I was literally in tears after I saw this video.  I felt my heart breaking as I saw the beautiful things they were doing in Uganda and how I was able to be a part of this through prayer and being used by the Lord to serve them. 

In fact, I posted their video on our website at http://www.cheapmissionstrips.com where you can view it and see some photos as well.  This was such an encouragement to my heart!

This is truly more than just a business for those of us involved with MKI and Cheap Missions Trips and all that is involved.  This is a ministry and we are truly here to serve the Body of Christ as we prayerfully work as not just TRAVEL Agents, but PRAYER AGENTS for the Lord and for you!!!

Safe Travels!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Working unto Jesus

Today my mother shared this little clip of poetry/ song that Amy Carmichael wrote.  She was a missionary to India who saved many young girls who were kidnapped and sold from a life of sex slavery.  The Lord used her for over 50 years on the mission field.

Amy Carmichael labored and did not look back or seek her own comforts.  She took her chance while upon this earth to die for Jesus so that she might live eternally.  May this poem be an encouragement to all of you who are taking missions trips.  I pray this encourages your heart as it has mine.  Here it is:

Jesus, Savior, dost Thou see
When I'm doing work for Thee?
Common things, not great and grand,
                                   Carrying stones and earth and sand?

                                  I did common work, you know (Jesus Speaking)
                                   Many, Many years ago;
                                   And I don't forget.
                                   I see everything you do for Me.
                             -Amy Carmichael

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Please Lord Hear the Cries of Uganda Journal #1

I wanted a place to share testimonies....so I thought this may be a place where I can start sharing my own story with you of how the Lord worked in my heart before going to Uganda in 2008.  So, in retrospect, I want to give you a little taste of my experience there and the ways the Lord was incredibly upon my trip there.  I will begin with the few days prior to my trip and the journals I found when reminiscing of my days in Uganda......I pray you will be blessed in some way as you read my personal journals of Uganda.

Written at my apartment in California....before Uganda:

Dec. 25, 2007 10:17am

I was up until 4am this morning cleaning up WATER that overflowed from my wash machine after I tried to connect it myself.  My BRAND NEW PLACE was soaked with water all over the floor!!!!  I felt already completely stretched beyond my limits and now this is happening!!!  The only thing I think is that the Lord is preparing me for Uganda and the things He will be doing to stretch me there.

I know this is an act of obedience to the LORD to be journaling so I dedicate this journal and everything I write to the LORD Jesus Christ.  I need Him SO much right now.  I am so weak and tired and empty without Him.  I do not know how He is going to come through for me with all my prayers I have lifted and all my desires. 

Right now, I lay all my desires before You Oh Lord.  You are my heart's desire and only You.  Whatever in my life you are planning, I want you to know I trust you.  I am walking with you to the end.  Just please keep holding my hand. 

If it was up to me, I would be so lost right now.  I need your guidance and strength.  I seek whatever You have for me to be blessed.  Please, Lord do not let me make my own way for myself.  I want my life to be your way, not my own.  I lay ALL my desire before You.  I o not count my life dear unto myself.  It is nothing to me to give it all to You.  I hope in You, Oh Lord in all things.  Please Lord, have your way. 

I have cried and set all of my heart out before You Lord, so many times.  I am dry right now of tears.  I just have to keep abiding in You and waiting upon You.  Help me Lord, to delight more in you.  I give my life to you again today as a Birthday gift for you, Jesus.  You are my Gift of highest value.  Help me to treasure You and honor You high in my heart and set You above all else, that I might gain You.  I love You so much.  I want you to be so close to me in this life that I hear you in everything and see you in everything and feel you so close to me. 

Please, exalt Your highest will for me in this life whether it is to live or die for your Name.  I am ready to be poured out.  I feel you are pouring me out more and more and all I ask is that when I am empty, please fill me with You.  When I am dry, please be the drink I desire.  Laughter is good, but LORD help me to know You and please You more in all things.  Let your Joy be my strength today.  Help me to see You more clearly.  I need you so desperately.  I am NOTHING without You. 

Please help me in preparation to go to Uganda.  It is all for LOVE that I desire to go.  Just please help me to love you like Jacob loved Rachel SO much and waited and worked for her with NO contact for 7 years and it was like only a few days to him because of the love he had for her in his heart.  I want to love You like that, Oh Lord.  I ask you Lord to help the people of Uganda to see you inside of me.  Please Lord, send me to be Your vessel there.  I want to ask LORD that You please help me to build strong ties there with the people.  Help me to have deep relationships built with the people there with a love so pure and so strong between us that could only come from You.  I do not want to go there and not connect with people.  I go there to be brought near to those who are near to you.  Please LORD help me not to miss anyone or anything you have for me.  In every circumstance, please give me Your burdens and Your heart there.  Let Your Name be lifted high in my life and not my own.

May the people of Uganda praise You for all You have brought in answer to their cries for help.  Please Lord, help us to hear their cries.  Show us their cries for help and please help us to be equipped to bring them what they need.  I want to do ALL you have me to do there.  Please Lord, overwhelm me with You.  May I be so full of You that it is no more I who lives, but Christ Jesus in me.  Unite my heart to hear their cries.  Please Lord, burden my heart with your burdens for them.  Break my heart to bleed and cry with them and on their behalf so we can be united in our cry to Your Holy THRONE!  Please set my heart on FIRE to reach them.  I just want them to know You hear them.

Please do something eternal with this trip....with every part of it.  Please bless ALL who have labored into this harvest with me.  Show yourself strong on their behalf.  Thank You so much for all those people who love you that you have brought me as my family.  I love all my brothers and sisters in You SO much.  Please draw us closer and fill us with your burning love for one another and for the lost all around us.  Let us be pure in our love for one another and may all of our motives be pure.

Lord, let me be an offering that pleases You.  I want to bring a fragrance that will bless You and please You.  Please Lord, do something HUGE with all the love that you have placed in my heart.  Let it be directed where you desire it to go.  May each brush-stroke of my life be painting a masterpiece that one day I will stand with you and see why all the colors never made any sense to me.  Lord, I want to see the work happening during all the times I thought I was suffering in vain.  I want to see the other side of the picture SO beautiful - a masterpiece - that will make all of heaven rejoice to see.  May it all be brought forth to bring glory to You.  LORD, make every stroke of the brush to be working in Your favor so that one day, even if itis not here on this earth, I will understand it all clearly.

Your ways are so HIGH.  Please design Your highest plan for my life.  I love you SO much.  Be glorified today.  Thank you for choosing me.  I am so honored to be Your lady....I wait for YOU....I love YOU....And You are so good to me.  I could not ask you for more.  All of me is Yours.  In Jesus Name, Amen.


Drinking Water Safely on a Mission Trip

Staying hydrated on your missions trip can be somewhat of a challenge.  When I was in Uganda, I had some scary experiences with drinking water that caused me to want to inform others about the dangers of drinking water in third world countries.

Water is not accessible in many countries like it is in the United States.  Many African people travel by foot many miles to "fetch water" from various sources and wells.  I saw women and children with large Jerry Cans of water on the top of their heads which are used to carry water from village to village.  This water is not safe for drinking.  Many people suggest to boil this water thoroughly for at least eight minutes before it is safe to drink or even for brushing your teeth.  This boiling process helps to rid the water of contaminates that can cause extreme sicknesses. 

Waterborne diseases are caused from microorganisms that are consumed through fresh water sources.  Across the world, many people die each year from such diseases.  Some of these can be prevented through healthy and safe water consumption practices.

While in Uganda, I noticed that some water bottles being sold on the street at various street markets are not safe for drinking.  Some villagers have been known to tamper with water bottles before selling them to travelers from other countries.  This is a way that people are making money with dishonest sales practices.  This water tampering can be detected by checking the bottom of the water bottle you are being sold before paying for it.  A simple way of checking is to turn the bottle upside down and inspect the bottom of the bottle for any marks of tampering.  Usually these will be very small and even hard to recognize.  With careful examination, small holes will be noticed.  At the time these are noticed, politely excuse yourself from purchasing the water and find another merchant.

Some water from natural sources is safe for consumption after a distillation process.  You will want to make sure that you are following safe practices in consuming any water in foreign countries, even the water that is being offered for sale.

Please check out our website for further resources for your next international trip.  We are happy to serve you with travel needs and provide you with helpful tips and items for travel.  Here is the link to our site!

Safe Travels,

Tabitha Lovell, International Travel Specialist and Licensed Nurse
MKI Group Travel

Missionary Airfare For Your Missions Trip

Preparing for your mission trip is very exciting and you will want to make sure the all of the details are covered.  Foreign missions will need some intricate planning and attention to detail.  You will want to think about several things.  First of all, preparing your heart is the most important step.  Prayerful consideration and seeking the Lord are the most important and vital components of any missions trip. 

The Word of God shares how we can be prepared with the full armor of God.  Ephesians chapter 6 outlines the full armor we need to have in place in order to stand strong for the Lord!  Prayer is a vital step and seeking the Lord in your plans.  You will want to be prayerful and wait upon the Lord.  A sensitive heart towards the Lord with an openness to go and preach the gospel to every creature is the first step in preparing for your mission trip.

Practically, there are some other steps to consider in preparing for your mission trip.  You will want to make sure you have your Missions Pastor or a Missionary Travel Specialist helping you in your planning process. 

Many people are not aware that Missionary and Humanitarian Airfare is available to them if they are taking a mission trip.  You can book your trip up to 11 months in advance with little or no money down in most cases to allow you to raise support while still holding your flights.   This is such an amazing tool that many people are not aware is available to them if they are traveling for missionary or humanitarian related purposes.   Utilizing this resource can help to cut your costs significantly.

Adoption travel is another area which qualifies for humanitarian airfare.  Many adopting families are able to benefit from humanitarian airfare when traveling to visit their child and when picking them up from another country.  Humanitarian airfare can be a huge blessing when adopting internationally.  Having an agent who specializes in humanitarian fares and adoption travel can help to set the adopting parent's mind at ease.

To obtain a free price quote for your missions trip or humanitarian travel, please visit http://www.cheapmissionstrips.com

You will want an agency who can provide more than just missionary airfare for your flights.  Having an agency who will take time to work with you individually and serve you with all of the details is key.  It is always best to have someone who will not only book flights, but who will also pray for you individually with the smaller details in mind.  It never hurts to have someone who will be there to help you with everything from flights to baggage and layover questions. 

Safe Travels,

Tabitha L., International Travel Specialist
MKI Group Travel