Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ticket to Heaven

Do you have your ticket to heaven yet?  This is a really easy question you could ask someone who does not know about the Lord.  It is really not too hard to share the gospel with someone.  Maybe some people will think you are crazy, but maybe......just maybe.......your question could open up a door for the gospel to go forth and for someone's soul to be saved for all eternity!

I recently heard a message by Keith Green who passed away that stirred up my heart.  He was saying that he would rather have a lot of people hate him and know that he cared about their souls than a whole lot of friends who he just tried to keep them as friends, but never shared the gospel with them in fear of offending them. 

What could possibly be more important than a soul being saved from hell for all eternity?  Nothing!!!  Nothing is more valuable than a person's soul.  In fact, Jesus said in Mark 8:36, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

The whole world and all that it contains, can not equal the value of one human soul.  What could you spend your money on that would be more important than a soul?  Do you give to missions work?  Do you help those who are reaching the lost?  Where is your treasure?  Are you spending your resources and using your earthly possessions to reach the lost around you? 

I was looking at photos of Dubai in the United Arab Emerites today and was shocked to see how much money is being spent on their extravagant buildings and tourist attractions to attract visitors from all over the world.  I was absolutely shocked to see how much money is there.

It caused me to think about how little money is being given to missions work all over the world.  One day in eternity, those who have given all to their Master will be rewarded and will have crowns to lay at His feet!!!  I can tell you that all of Dubai and all of the world and all it contains can not compare to the glory of the Lord and all of Heaven for all eternity!!! 

I want to encourage you in your missions journey to continue to be spiritually minded, and look for opportunities to share the gospel even in the airport, not just when you reach your destination across the world.  Your rewards are not in the people that you see turning to the Lord, your rewards are with the Lord in heaven.  He is the one who will reward you for all that you do out of love for Him.  Can you imagine?  One day in heaven, looking across the sea of faces, and seeing some of those who you invited to be there? 

I want to see this one day.  Do you?  I challenge you to try to find some solid gospel tracts to give to people you meet.  A great resource for finding these is and they are very reasonably priced.  You can take these with you on the airplane and in the airports while you travel to your missions destination.

Oh, the JOY in heaven when one sinner repents and turns their heart to the Lord Jesus Christ!!!  Is anything more important than this?  Allow the Lord to search your heart to find out if there is any wicked way in you and lead you in His way everlasting!!!

I am so honored to be a part of the work you are doing in reaching the lost with the gospel.  We provide missionary airfare to get you there and will be praying for you during your trip!!!

God bless you as you seek Him!

Your Prayer Agent,